1.3 (2014-01-03)
- new look, the ability to switch appearance (light / dark background)
- layers
- new API functions for HTML objects: animation control, switching of variable objects
- sending out notifications including info about currently distributed number of messages
- new publishing channel Amazon Kindle
1.2.6 (2013-12-08)
- option to attach an object to a fixed location on the page
- publishing to Webview channel
- easy to follow information about publishing channels
- publishing channels divided into three sections for a quick orientation (green – published, orange – published with changes, red – unpublished)
- when copying the article with a different orientation than intended target publication, the article will be reformatted
- buttons within the variable objects now always functional
- option to set State 0
- Quick swipe effect
- control buttons of variable object can be of two-framed
- video/audio automatically triggered within the variable objects, start when the State is displayed
- stand-alone setting of background and galleries, independent inheritance from issues
- global issue setting for separate tablet and phone layouts
- gallery action buttons (the next, previous, close)
1.2.5 (2013-11-07)
- statistics, various views on the data
- statistics export to XLS
1.2.4 (2013-10-23)
- mobile layout will be stretched to the width of phone display
- landscape publications scaled down on Android so the whole page will be visible
- when the device display is higher than the page height, the page may be optionally centered
- online objects loaded with delay, not to slow the page rendering
- when changing the size of the group the group content is not moved
- independent view Statistics
- new rule „May open statistics“
- information on published readers, setting of predefined texts for sharing
- new on tap actions: brings up the dialog sharing Twitter/Facebook/E-mail, go to the library, go to other issue
1.2.3 (2013-10-01)
- groups and variable objects – that show embedding, escape with arrow or Esc key
- fixed minor bugs in variable objects
- typographical quotation marks: Alt + O and Alt + P
- upper and lower indexes do not change the line spacing
- lists – bulleted and numbered
1.2.2 (2013-09-20)
- file upload <64 MB by old way, bigger by new way (older is faster)
- user defined addition of more users to the project
- user defined setting of access rights
- access right “May delete articles in the publication”
- a separate space on the distribution server for TrioboReader and public readers
- separate the issue information on the distribution server (will be changed only when publishing)
1.2.1 (2013-08-28)
- publishing only those articles that were changed
- notification Android
- fixed article copying and its HTML sources
- fixed uploads of sources greater than 64 MB
- field Note (sections and keywords are currently displayed in a reader)
- fixed online object Twitter
- new online object Google Maps
- preview of online objects
1.2 (2013-08-09)
- animation start only after the object display (second page etc.)
- reset animations (back to the alternate state)
- notifications only to those who have not downloaded the latest issue
- detection of errors in the article (missing sources, wrong placement, large images)
- locking of objects/articles/issues
- setting of groups, whether and how they should roll
- detailed overview of issue size
- API for HTML objects
- access rights at individual publications: may enter, may display the detail, may delete