For all publishers who want to convert their paper publication without hard work to reader application on tablet, smartphone or to convert print publication and publish it just on the web, we can offer them the digital replica solution. In a separate article information about making replicas was published where we have highlighted all benefits […]
Articles Tagged: webview
Web export zoom (webview)
Triobo digital publishing allows publishers to set the zoom default state for publications that are viewed on computers. Triobo supports the following zoom modes depending on how they are set by publisher: 100 %: display 1:1, fit to width: content expands to the width of browser window, fit to windows: content shrinks so the browser […]
WEBVIEW: insert documents
Web export and Internet Explorer: watch your fonts
When publishing to tablets, smartphones, or ordinary computers, you do not have to deal with fonts – you are working with common fonts in standard TTF or OTF format. In case you want to have a web export (webview) of your tablet publication, there are some specifics arising from fragmentation of Internet browsers. For internet […]