Your work in a Triobo publishing editor is logically divided into three levels.
- The highest ranked is the publication (Publication), typically the specific magazine. For each publication a common list of fonts is established. Later, when you want to publish in your own reader for tablets, it will be connected to just one publication.
- Publications may be further broken down to issues (Issues). Typical monthly periodical has therefore 12 issues per year. If your publication is a catalog, individual editions can be either the copies of it (spring, summer, fall …) or perhaps the subcategories (kitchen, bedroom, garden …). For each issue exists a common set of colors (color palette) and font formating styles. Each edition also represents an essential commercial element from the readers point of view- your reader may download single issues and read them in the reader (whether for free or for a fee). Triobo Single reader enables publishing of just single issue.
- Single editions then contain articles (Articles). Each article bears also other properties beside its name (author, section …) and the actual content as well. The reader further proceeds from left to right after opening of edition. If the article is larger than the size of display he may scroll downwards to further content.