If the number of readers of digital publication is important to you, strongly consider using, besides the application for Android and iOS, also the web platform Triobo. Thanks to the web platform anyone can look inside magazines or catalogues even without installation (and using just ordinary computer); the platform can also be used to share individual articles (pages) on social sites etc.
There is also a way that allows the web form of a publication to be viewed on a different website. Example? You have certainly seen a YouTube video embedded into an online blog, this is basically the same. In our case, you can for example have a window with the newest issue of your company magazine in the middle of an article on your company website. The reader can flip through this magazine directly, the icon for enlarging the window to full screen is also present (in the top-right corner).
Note: we offer a trivial version with less functionality too, probably more appropriate – given the way how it is displayed – for promotion of paid publications. More in a separate tutorial.
All you need to do is insert a simple HTML code to your website, for example:
<iframe style="width:768px; height:512px; border: 0px none;" src="https://casopis.finmag.cz" allowFullScreen="true" webkitAllowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
You can freely change the parameters (particularly the size of the window). Insert the web address of your digital magazine or catalogue into the parameter SRC. The result can be seen below:
What are your options?
1) The reader application is being displayed in the same way as the application on tablet or on website – the opening page is overview of all published issues. This variant can be seen on the example above.
2) The opening page is a specific issue page or specific published issue (that is you skip the overview of all published issues). Simply change the parameter SRC by inserting the web address of a specific page. This can be useful for example for the preview of cited issue page.
The way in which the webpage is displayed – being displayed in reduced size so that it can be viewed fully even without scrolling, or being displayed without reducing size at the cost of having to scroll – is based on the settings of your web export. You can adjust this in Triobo editor.
Code example:
<iframe style="width:768px; height:512px; border: 0px none;" src="https://www.south-moravia.online/moravia-convention-bu/brno-exhibition-centre-characteristics-/" allowFullScreen="true" webkitAllowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
The specific page will open:
3) The opening page is the first page of the last published issue (the last published issue is chosen automatically at the given moment). For this you must use the following parameter ?action=opennewestissue, which you insert into the SRC.
The resulting code looks for example like this:
<iframe style="width:768px; height:400px; border: 0px none;" src="https://casopis.finmag.cz/?action=opennewestissue" allowFullScreen="true" webkitAllowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
The first page of the last published issue will open: