Working with objects

  • arrows left/right/up/down = shift by 1 pixel
  • arrows + Shift = shift by 8 pixels
  • Ctrl + Shift + PageUp = bring to front
  • Ctrl + PageUp = bring forward
  • Ctrl + PageDn = send backward
  • Ctrl + Shift + PageDw = send to back
  • Ctrl + D = selection of image source
  • Ctrl + Shift + D = duplicate
  • Ctrl + Delete = delete
  • Ctrl + G = group
  • Ctrl + Shift + G = ungroup
  • Ctrl + C = copy selected object to clipboard
  • Ctrl + X = cut selected object to clipboard
  • Ctrl + V = insert object from clipboard
  • Ctrl + Z = undo
  • Ctrl + Shift + Z = redo
  • Ctrl + P = show preview
  • Ctrl + S = save
  • Esc = cancel selection / leave group
  • G = show/hide guidelines
  • Alt + G = paste/un-paste to guidelines
  • W = show/hide frames


  • Alt + 0…9 on the numeric keyboard = first 10 styles
  • Ctrl + Shift + L = align text to the left stop
  • Ctrl + Shift + C = align text to the center
  • Ctrl + Shift + R = align text to the right stop
  • Ctrl + Shift + J = align text to both stops
  • Ctrl + Shift + space or Alt + space = insert a non-breaking space
  • Ctrl + Alt + hyphen = insert an optional word hyphen
  • Alt + O = Czech left typographical quotes
  • Alt + P = Czech right typographical quotes

Users of operating system OS X will use key Cmd instead of Ctrl.