While the paper magazine often struggles with a lack of space, the scrolling content can be used on tablets: the reader will move one larger object. This is helpful with tables where we recommend the following procedure:
- Save the table as an image in double the resolution than what you plan to use your table for (because of the Retina displays)
- Lets assume that the table is very wide. Then cut off the entire first column from it, which consists of row names that will be always visible, and name this file e.g. tabLeft.png. Name the rest of the table as tabData.png
- Create a picture frame, place an image tabLeft.png inside of it and use the vertical stretching. Depending on how high you want the table to be, set the frame height, snap the right frame to edge so that the image fills the frame correctly (you can use the
- Copy the object by using the
button (or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + D) and then with Shift key drag to the right so that it lies just to the right side of the first column of the table.
- For new object, use the source tabData.png. Spread the object to width to fit into the entire picture frame – never mind that you have left the blank page area here.
- Now click on the button
to create a group – new object is then grouped with a picture tabData.png to one group.
- Set the group so it has to scroll in horizontal direction.
- Decrease the frame width so that it will fit into the page.
Save the article and test its functionality by clicking button. When you simulate the finger dragging (click the left mouse key, hold it down and drag the cursor to left) on the table body, you will see that the table body moves, while the first column is still completely visible.