In connection to paid content you can offer your readers the option to transfer their purchases between individual platforms (Apple iOS, Android, Windows 10 and website). Example? If the reader buys a magazine on cell phone in Android application through Google Play he can also read it on website using computer or in application on iPad (tablet).
The transfer of purchases applies to transactions through external payment gateway, publisher’s e-shop or using vouchers, and also to direct purchases through Appstore and Google Play. The publisher also gets to know the reader’s e-mail address.
The purchase is made on website (through payment gateway) – during the purchase the reader chooses his login username (e-mail) and password. The reader must be logged-in to access his paid content (publications), be it through website or application on tablet/smartphone/computer. The publisher knows the reader’s e-mail and can ask the reader during the purchase about any other information.
Vouchers are used as a substitute for payment – reading and purchase is based on the same principal as in the point above. The publisher knows the reader’s e-mail address.
The purchase is made directly in the application through Appstore or Google Play – the reader does not have to be logged-in to purchase or to read. The drawback is that neither Apple, nor Google, will disclose the identity of the reader, his e-mail or his name. Here comes the key advantage of Triobo: if the publisher enabled the transfer of purchases (default settings), then after the reader logs in into the application, all information regarding purchases through Appstore or Google Play are transferred, together with the reader’s e-mail address, to the server. The reader can, from this point onward (after logging in), read his publications on more of his devices and the publisher knows his e-mail.
The feature to transfer purchases is part of Reader’s zone, external payment gateway and publisher’s e-shop.