In the context of pricing options, Triobo Professional offers advanced functions to support the marketing of paid digital magazines – Reader’s Zone with vouchers (coupons).
Why Reader’s Zone?
Thanks to the Readers Zone, publishers have the opportunity to use coupons as a marketing tool of digital publications as an alternative payment channel. Coupons represent the unique group of letters and numbers that you may send to your readers or business partners with an e-mail, or printed to any type of media connected to your publication.
Coupon – a tool for digital magazine promotion
Typical use of coupons:
- time-limited digital magazine subscription that is free to current subscribers of your printed version
- gift to your business partners (e.g. free annual subscription to the magazine)
- gift to clients of your advertisers (“when you buy a tablet in your online shop, you will get an annual subscription worth $ 30 from MyMagazine for free”)
- option to sell digital magazine subscriptions alternatively to the Appstore / Google Play – saving charges
Coupon may also be:
- unique – can be used only once – suitable for sending target marketing e-mails
- general – (e.g. suitable for placement in printed advertising – an unlimited number of readers may use it, but only within predefined time period)
Voucher value
Each coupon can be an equivalent to the payment of a particular issue of your digital magazine, or a specific type of subscription.
Example: you may have a coupon for a “single item purchase”, which allows free downloading of the paid edition of MyMagazine, Edition 1/2014. Or you can create a coupon that corresponds to a quarterly subscription you are offering in Appstore.
How coupons work
Prepare simple instructions for your readers describing how to use coupons (see example). Your reader must simply start the digital magazine reader on his device and select the Reader’s zone, then fills his/her email and password (if they do not have it, they must register). Here is the point where the appropriate coupon is inserted. Depending on the type of coupon the reader selects a relevant issue of digital magazine as “paid” and then they are free to download it.
Readers who want to use the coupon must register first (using e-mail and password) – so in the future they can renew their subscriptions. Registration will take place inside of Triobo publishing account; only the publisher has access to this information. The advantage is that you know specific emails of your particular readers and are able to work with them.