Publishing portal may contain digital titles only on one level (“Side by Side”), without any further segmentation. From the perspective of Triobo editor all individual issues are included in one digital publications. A typical example is a set of guidebooks for certain location. More information. Triobo Kiosk contains a set of full-featured digital publications (typically […]
Category: 3. Content publishing for tablets
Support of PDF documents in the reader
The best way to succeed in digital publishing is represented by customized layout that fits screens of most Tablets and smart phones. But in some cases the the publisher does not have enough time or capacity for preparation. Or there is a need to quickly publish hundred-page catalog full of technical tables and plain figures, […]
Favorite articles in digital publication
The Reader of digital publications offers consumers the possibility to mark selected articles as favorite by asterisk. Consumers may later return quickly to selected articles and move (browse) selectively only through favorite articles. The currently read article may be tagged with star that appears on the top right by using menu button (picture example of […]
Automatic download of issues to readers’ tablets
Once the publisher publishes new issue in Triobo editor, at the same time a command for automatic download is sent to readers tablets and smartphones. If certain conditions are met, the issue will be downloaded in the background. Because of this the reader has for example downloaded and ready to read digital magazine for comfortable […]
Statistics sent to Google Analytics
If you have Triobo Professional tariff and provide your tracking code before publishing your Reader in public, you can monitor user behavior in your reader with Google Analytics (Mobile App Analytics) tools. What exactly this individual data mean can be found on Google Analytics website. In this article you will find information about what impact […]
How to register events in statistics
Thanks to Triobo digital publishing (Professional version) you can also monitor behavior of readers to the level of individual objects, respectively you can monitor so called events. For reporting purposes we are using Google Analytics (Mobile App Analytics) as independent reporting tool. Thanks Triobo can monitor and record… click on any object that has assigned […]
Advertisement in the background of application
With Triobo digital publishing publishers can also use the front page where issues are listed for their marketing and promotional purposes. Examples can be seen on pictures below. Note that different graphics can be used in tablet portrait orientation and another one in landscape mode. As usual, you can prepare everything directly in Triobo editor […]
Paid magazines in AppStore – how to do it?
It is somewhat complicated to sell paid magazines through the App Store because Apple wants to approve every issue in advance. This may be a problem because approval usually takes one week or sometimes even longer. However here is a proven procedure used by publishers from around the world: the pre-approval. In principle it is […]

The Reader design according to publisher’s configuration
Triobo allows publishers to define customized reader appearance on tablets and smartphones. This new feature allows to attract readers and advertisers effectively. Let me first recall that all reader devices created in any price tariff of Triobo digital publishing are published strictly under the brand and name of the client, with his icon and initial […]

API for external systems (custom made eshop etc.)
The publishers of tablet magazines and publishing portals usually depend only on the distribution of their subscription titles through the App Store, Google Play or Amazon Store. Until now, the ordinary publisher did not have the option to sell subscriptions of tablet magazine through his website and certainly could not sell subscription packages of printed […]