For all publishers who want to convert their paper publication without hard work to reader application on tablet, smartphone or to convert print publication and publish it just on the web, we can offer them the digital replica solution. In a separate article information about making replicas was published where we have highlighted all benefits […]
Category: 3. Content publishing for tablets
Web export zoom (webview)
Triobo digital publishing allows publishers to set the zoom default state for publications that are viewed on computers. Triobo supports the following zoom modes depending on how they are set by publisher: 100 %: display 1:1, fit to width: content expands to the width of browser window, fit to windows: content shrinks so the browser […]
How to publish on Triobo Portal
When you publish to any of the public reader applications (iOS, Android, Windows 10, Kindle Fire or the web), you may also publish your digital content on the web **Triobo Portal*( with a list of publications, page samples and advertisement for application download. Do you want to know how to do it? In a typical […]
PREVIEW: preview mode in editor
The preview mode is a very useful tool for making digital publications. It is symbolized by the eye icon. When you press the Preview icon, the preview of current article opens in a new window, on its last saved version. Buttons at the top Are used for of making the preview window larger or smaller. […]
Getting ready: how to set up a develoer account for the Windows Store
An essential condition for the distribution of your content on Windows 10 is developer account for the Windows Store. Similarly as with Apple (for Appstore) your registration goes through the approval process. Where to get the registration? Follow the guidelines on registration page. Keep in mind that corporate developer account costs 99 US dollars (one […]
How to prepare entry materials for the Web
To start the Web export of your tablet publication (WebView), we need the following documents from you: Your own domain The web publication must run on its own website (own Internet domain). Usually it is the domain of second order (typically, but it may also be a third order domain (e.g. You may […]
Triobo digital publications on the Web (web export)
Interactive digital publications made in Triobo are now available also to people who do not have a tablet or smart phone. They may simply use a web export Triobo. Why to use a Web export The reader does not need to own tablet – make your digital publications accessible to every reader on any computer. […]
How to get your application to the Apple Appstore / Google Play / Windows Store or on the web
So, this is it. You have already tried Triobo digital publishing and you know that this is the right solution for you. Now you want your interactive publication or digital magazine to be officially distributed to the public – through the Apple AppStore, Google Play, Windows Store or the Amazon Store. Or, on your Internet […]
Optimizing advertising campaigns on Facebook
Marketing of digital publications is integral part of a successful publishing on tablets and smartphones. It is simply not enough to be in Appstore / Google Play and it is necessary to actively approach potential readers. Facebook campaigns represent a very interesting option, mainly because you can target only those users who actually use tablets […]
Triobo Kiosk – more magazines in one application
Triobo Kiosk – a set of digital publications in one single application categorized into folders, may be useful to publishers with a large number of digital magazines. When you for example create a series of tourist guidebooks or other closely related publications and it is sufficient that all publications in your app are “side by […]