Reader’s zone is an advanced function of Triobo digital publishing tool that is primarily used for marketing support of paid digital magazines. Thanks to Reader‘s Zone you may offer coupons to your readers which will replace payments that are made through the Appstore/Google so the reader can recieve free magazines. This is ideal in situations […]
Articles Tagged: digital publishing
Using sources from other articles
Images, videos and audio use sources – thus the files with data. Each article is also a component of these sources. However, you may also use the sources from other articles of the same issue. If you want to duplicate articles later, it is important to understand how Triobo works with such sources. If you […]
Variable objects
Variable object is such a group of objects, in which only one of them is always visible. First select an object (or group) that you want to use as a variable (multilevel), and then click the icon . The left panel shows a list of „Variable object“, in which all the states will be listed […]
Text editing
Double-click a text frame to get into a mode where you can enter the text. At the top the bar appears for text formatting, divided into four categories: Paragraph style – is used to set the paragraph style (more here) Paragraph format – is used to set the paragraph format, this is to change paragraph […]
Online objects
Online object may be inserted with the tool, you can drag the page or click (see Objects inserting). A common feature of online objects is that they require the reader to be connected to the Internet because they are offering the most actual content. Depending on the type you can set the additional properties: Youtube […]
Colors and their settings
The dialog for color setting appears whenever you set the background color of the object, its margins, font color, etc. Triobo is additionally using the opacity beside the hue, saturation and brightness. In previews opacity is indicated by transparent square grid – in reality the transparent color shows in such way that you can partially […]
Lock the digital edition, issue information
When you click the icon in the list of issues, you will see the issue release information and options for working with the issue. The distribution of server publishing is described in the article Edition publishing. In the upper right corner next to the issue name is the Delete Issue key. Caution – This will […]
Embedded code HTML5 (iframe)
Publishing editor Triobo can handle embedded code in HTML5, see HTML object. If you know how to create such simple HTML5 animations, forms, or even games, nothing prevents you from using them on the page of magazine for tablet edition. Remember that the Apple iPad is using the WebKit rendering engine (like Safari or Chrome […]
Issue publishing
It is required to publish your publication on the distribution server so that it is accessible to all reading devices. Each publication can be published in several “channels”, and thus accessible to different readers. At this moment we support three public channels and web: iOS – your publication will be available to readers who are […]
How to make a button with e-shop link
Follow these steps if you want to direct readers straight into your internet shop: Create a text object. Set the following internal margins 8 px from all sides. Use a light border color on the top and left, and dark on the right and bottom border, set a background color, make the Border radius e.g. […]